Contact Us

Choose how you would like to contact us from the options below (organized by the speed at which they work), and we'll see if we can help you with your garlic craving.

If you fill out this form, we will receive an email at We try to respond within a few days if we don't text us!

The Next Fastest  Way

Give us a call! Even if we're all out in the fields or at the farmer's market, you can leave a voicemail and we'll call you back just as soon as we can.

 Fred 330-283-6137

Sarah 330-221-9706


The Not So Fast Way

In case you really like paper and stamps, you can use our mailing address, too!

Thaxton's Organic Garlic - Thaxton Family Farm
2710 Ravenna Street
Hudson, OHIO 44236

Please call for an appointment to visit our farm.

Please do NOT just show up at the farm. CALL first.